Wednesday, April 1, 2009




Yoga is not only meant for flexible people, it is meant for any person of any age and of any fitness level. As we grow older our bodies tend to get stiff, so this series has been designed specifically for people who hate to move there bodied due to stiffness or low energy, and also for people with very low levels of flexibility. Start now and soon you will see changes in your body that you never thought could happen.

Exercise 1

  • Stand straight, feet together, palms joined in front of your chest.
  • Inhale, keep palms together and bend back, stretching your arms over your head.
  • Breathe normally.

Exercise 2

  • Turn body to one side, bring one foot forward 2-3 feet ahead of other.
  • Inhale, raise both arms straight above head. Exhale, bend forward, interlock hands around upper foot and pull toes up, heel on floor. Lower the head and look at the toe.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat with other leg.

Exercise 3

  • Stand straight with your legs together.
  • Bend one leg and bring the foot to rest on the inner thigh close to groin.
  • Maintain balance by focusing on a point in front of you and raise arms to sides.
  • Raise arms up, keep straight, palms joined.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds.
  • Repeat with other leg.

Exercise 4

  • Stand straight, feet together.
  • Exhale and bend forward from hip.
  • Place your palms on the floor and your head on your knees.
  • Keep your knees straight.
  • Breathe normally.


Almost any movement of the body requires a movement of the spine. Until the upper body is able to move freely, a person will always feel restricted in there sense of movement. These postures will create a looseness in our upper body buy stretching your back and sides in a sideways direction.

Exercise 1

  • Stand straight, feet together, arms by side.
  • Keeping it straight, raise one arm sideways to shoulder-level. Turn palm up and stretch arm up.
  • Exhale, stretch arm over the head, bending body to one side.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, inhale, resume start position.
  • Repeat the other side.

Exercise 2

  • Stand with legs wide apart, arms by side.
  • Raise one arm up to side and up to ear. Exhale, stretch arm over the head, bending body to one side, palm facing down.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Inhale and go back to start position.
  • Repeat other side.

Exercise 3

  • Kneel on floor with knees a little apart.
  • Bend body to left side and place left palm to the side as shown
  • Raise right arm and stretch over the head, parallel to floor.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds
  • Return to start position.
  • Repeat other side.


Yoga works on the principle that a persons body should be stretched in directions which is not normally done in day to day life. As the body has hundreds of muscles, each muscle needs to be stretched and stimulated in order for the whole body to be healthy. The following postures will work on your Shoulders to bring back an upright posture and basic flexibility.

Exercise 1

  • Sit with your legs stretched out.
  • Place palms behind you as shown with fingers pointing forward.
  • Pushing down on the palms, slowly push the chest forward, arch the back and drop the head back as shown.
  • Hold, breathing normally.
  • Slowly come back to starting position.

Exercise 2

  • Get down on all fours palms directly under your shoulder, fingers facing forward, knees in line with your hips, soles upward.
  • Curve the back down as shown.
  • Looking straight ahead, inhale and raise one arm as shown. Keep shoulder level with ear.
  • Hold for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat with other arm.

Exercise 3

  • Repeat the first two steps of Exercise 1, keeping hands on hips.
  • Raise one arm up over your head, palm facing up and bend backwards as much as is comfortable. Look up.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds
  • Repeat the other side.


One of the most important areas of the body which if gives trouble can make your life hellish, is your Back. Until it is ok we rarely bother about it, but once it starts giving you pain your whole life ends up revolving around it. To keep your back in good condition practice the following postures which are easy to do and yet keep your back in a good shape.

Exercise 1

  • Lie on stomach, legs straight, feet together, soles upward, forehead on floor.
  • Place palms below and to side of the shoulders, elbows tucked in close to the body.
  • Inhale, slowly raise head and upper body, keeping navel on the floor, elbows bent as shown.
  • Hold, breathing normally.
  • Exhale as you slowly come down to start position.
  • Now place your palms by your chest, elbows tucked in.
  • Inhale and raise your upper body till your navel.
  • Straighten your arms, raise your torso as shown, tuck your toes in and look up.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Slowly resume start position.

Exercise 2

  • Stand on knees, knees together with arms by your side, feet tucked in.
  • Slowly lean back, reach back with right arm and grip right heel.
  • Inhale, raise left arm, slowly arch backward stretching arm behind you as shown.
  • Hold for a few seconds breathing normally.
  • Slowly raise arm, straighten up and resume start position.
  • Repeat with the other arm.
  • Get down on all fours, arms straight, palms under your shoulders, fingers facing forward, knees in line with your hips.

Exercise 3

  • Get down on all fours, arms straight, palms under your shoulders, fingers facing forward, knees in line with your hips.
  • Inhale and raise head and look up as you create an intense dip in your back.
  • Hold position and your breath for a few seconds.
  • Exhale and drop head down and arch back as shown.
  • Hold breath and maintain position for a few seconds.
  • Resume start position.
  • Do 10 – 15 rounds.


Almost 40% of the population suffers from some form of Lower Back Pain. If only people would practice a few simple postures to keep the lower back relaxed at least half the people would not find themselves with such a stiff and painful back. These exercise are simple to do but they are highly effective in keeping your back supple & pain free.

Exercise 1

  • Kneel on floor. Stretch one leg straight out in front as shown.
  • Inhale raise both arms over head. Exhale and bend forward from hips, interlock hands around foot as shown and place chin on the knees.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat other side.

Exercise 2

  • Sit with back straight, place both arms behind you as shown, fingers pointing away from body.
  • Bend one leg, place foot below kneecap.
  • Gently twist spine, take the knee towards the floor on opposite side.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat the other side.

Exercise 3

  • Bend the knees pull them towards the chest as shown.
  • Roll on the back too-n-fro.
  • Hold for 10 – 30 sec.
  • Normally breathing.

Exercise 4

  • Kneel on the floor, knees together.
  • Sit back on your heels, keeping back straight.
  • Inhale and raise your arms above your head.
  • Exhale slowly and bend the body forward so that forehead rests on floor, palms face downward.
  • Hold position breathing normally.
  • Inhale, come up. Exhale and resume start position.


Another important area of the body which gets stiff with too much work and stress is the groin and hamstrings (back part of the Thighs). If you remove stiffness from these areas your energy levels are much higher and the basic tiredness what you feel at the end of the day will disappear.

Exercise 1

  • Stand with feet wide apart, back straight.
  • Exhale and bend forward from the hips. Catch hold of the ankles as shown and rest the head on the floor.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Inhale and slowly come back to start position.

Exercise 2

  • Sit with your legs straight out and back straight.
  • Bend your knees, bring the heels together and pull the feet towards the groin.
  • Inhale slowly and raise both arms, exhale and bend body forward as shown.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathing normally.
  • Inhale slowly as you raise your body up.

Exercise 3

  • Bend right leg to bring knee in front of the body and stretch the other behind.
  • Place palms in front, place front heel away from groin.
  • Inhale slowly and stretch your upper body backwards and look at the sky.
  • Hold 20 – 30 seconds
  • Repeat with other leg.

Exercise 4

  • Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
  • Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. Bend other leg and place ankle on thigh of bent leg, close to groin.
  • Take arms behind back, catch hold of one wrist with other hand and pull down as you lift the chest and drop head back.
  • Hold 10-20 seconds.
  • Slowly resume start position.


A stiff body is a result of a stressful mind. Yoga has come up with an amazing way to relax, silence and eventually control the mind. Pranayama or breath control removes stiffness indirectly by increasing the oxygen levels throughout the body which in turn leads to relaxation and flexibility of the muscles. Only a relaxed man can overcome his stiffness to become flexible. Practice the following techniques a feel the difference to your self.

Exercise 1

  • Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
  • Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. Bend other leg and place ankle on thigh of bent leg, close to groin. Place your hands on your knees.
  • Slowly bring head up and move it forward so chin touches chest.
  • Slowly move the head as far back as comfortable. Do not strain.
  • Repeat slowly for 5 - 10 times.

Exercise 2

  • Sit in padmasana.
  • Interlock your fingers at chest level, palms facing towards you, elbows at same level.
  • Inhale deeply as you turn palms out and slowly stretch your arms, shoulders and chest upwards.
  • Exhale through the mouth as your turn palms in, and slowly bring palms back to start position.
  • Repeat 5 times

Exercise 3

  • Sit back on your heels as shown, place palms on knees as shown, keep back straight.
  • Exhale forcefully and rapidly through the nose in quick succession, pulling the stomach in towards the spine as you exhale. Inhalation will be automatic and passive between every two exhalations.
  • Practise 30-50 inhalations at a stretch.
  • Repeat 3 times.

Relaxing Legs

Stretching of any muscle in the body improve blood circulation, opens blockages and stimulates the secretion of relaxing hormones which are nothing but “Feel Good Hormones”. These exercises can change the state of a body part from stiff and painful to easy and relaxed. Your legs will feel opened up and rejuvenated within a few minutes.


  • Sitting, bend the right leg so that the heel touches the groin area.
  • Inhale slowly stretching both arms up over head.
  • Exhale slowly as you bend forward. Interlock the fingers and hold your heel.
  • Place your forehead, chest and abdomen on the thighs and hold 30-60 seconds breathing normally.
  • Inhale slowly as you stretch your arms up and return to starting position
  • Repeat on the other side.


  • Sit with your legs stretched out, feet together
  • Exhale and bend forward from your hips.
  • Hold your toes or heels, touch your forehead to your knees and hold 30-60 seconds.
  • Inhale slowly as you raise your arms over your head and return to starting position.


  • Lie on side, bend one arm, support head with hand.
  • Raise upper leg as high as you can. Slide other hand to foot, grasp big toe, keep leg straight.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat other side.


  • Come on to your hands and knees, palms positioned below the shoulders, fingers facing forward, knees together, toes tucked in.
  • Exhale, push back on your arms and raise your hips up.
  • Tuck chin towards the chest and look at navel.
  • Keep heels flat on floor.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathing normally.
  • Resume start position.

Relaxing Arms

In our day to day life we use our four limbs to the maximum. The legs tend to have gross movements and the arms and hands move in more skillful ways such as typing, writing etc. With time the fingers and hands tend to get stiff from such repetitive movement. These simple exercises should be practiced regularly so that your arms and hands feel supple and relaxed.


  • Sit with legs stretched out, back straight. Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. Bend other leg and place ankle on thigh of bent leg, close to groin.
  • Interlock your fingers at chest level, palms facing towards you, elbows at same level.
  • Inhale deeply as you turn palms out and slowly stretch your arms out in front.
  • Exhale through the mouth as you turn palms in and slowly bring palms back to start position.
  • Repeat 5 times


  • Sit as described in Exercise 1
  • Bend one arm behind the head.
  • Catch the wrist with the other hand and pull down stretching the elbow and shoulder.
  • Hold on to the posture for 10 – 25 seconds.
  • Release.
  • Repeat with the other arm.


  • Sit with legs stretched out in front, feet together, body relaxed
  • Stretch both arms in front of you to shoulder level
  • Keeping arms straight, slowly stretch both hands down from wrist so that fingers point to floor. Simultaneously, move toes forward and stretch the feet.
  • Now, slowly stretch both hands up backward from wrist. Simultaneously stretch toes and feet up and towards the body.
  • Repeat 10 times

Relaxing the Neck

Unfortunately the neck bears the brunt of all the stresses that we take on to our selves. If You have Noticed whenever you are stressed your Jaw and Neck are the first to get stiff and get tight. Without any form of stretching you could end up with severe spondulosis. Practice these neck exercises to keep your Neck pain free and loose.


  • Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
  • Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. Bend other leg and place ankle on thigh of bent leg, close to groin. Place your hands on your knees.
  • Slowly move the head as far back as comfortable.
  • Slowly bring head up and move it forward so chin touches chest.
  • Repeat 10 times.


  • Sit in for Exercise 1.
  • Gently turn the head left so chin is in line with the shoulders.
  • Now gently turn the head to the right as far as comfortable.


  • Slowly rotate the head clockwise down to chest, to the right, backward, to left side in a relaxed, smooth, rhythmic, circular movement.
  • Now gently rotate anti-clockwise i.e. in opposite direction.

Relaxing the Waist and Hips

Different people have different personalities. Certain people accumulate stiffness in some areas and other people in different areas. A common area which tends to get stiff for a person with a stressful life style and excess work are the hips. Without realizing it, you may be accumulating a lot of stiffness in your hips which leads to lower back pain and many other problems. These exercises will bring instant relief and relaxation.

Exercise 1

  • Stand on knees, knees a little apart, feet stretched out.
  • Turn body slightly, reach back with right hand and catch hold of left foot.
  • Stretch left arm back over the head as shown.
  • Hold as long as comfortable, breathing normal.
  • Slowly return to start position.

Exercise 2

  • Sit on floor with legs split sideways.
  • Bring left arm across body and rest hand on upper thigh.
  • Inhale and raise the right arm above head.
  • Exhale, bend body to left, and stretch right arm and catch the big toe as shown.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat other side.

Exercise 3

  • Lie on back, arms stretched out, knees bent and shoulder-width apart.
  • Gently twisting spine, take the knees sideways to the floor. Look in opposite direction.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat other side.

Relaxing the Ankles

A person with flexible ankles is less prone to injuries while running or walking. His blood circulation is better and he moves with more agility and speed. To feel more agile, fit and relaxed practice the following exercises which will make you move much lighter on your feet.

Exercise 1

  • Turn body to one side, bring one foot forward 2-3 feet ahead of other.
  • Inhale; raise both arms straight above head. Exhale, bend forward, interlock hands around upper foot and pull toes up, heel on floor. Lower the forehead to the knee.
  • Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
  • Repeat with other leg.

Exercise 2

  • Stand straight with feet together, both arms stretched out, palms down.
  • Slowly raise one leg up, toes pointed forward, now move the ankle such that the toe points up words.
  • Repeat it for 10 – 15 times.

Exercise 3

  • Sit between your heels.
  • Holding the heels, lean backwards and place your elbows on the floor with the head and neck stretched backwards.
  • Place your palms on the soles of your feet as shown.
  • Hold for 10-30 seconds.
  • Place palms on floor, press down and slowly return to start position.
  • Slowly straighten your elbows and lie down on floor.
  • Try and keep knees together, place your palms on thighs and hold 30-60 seconds.
  • Hold your heels, pushing down on elbows, move up. Press palms down on floor and slowly come up and return to start position.

Relaxing the Face

The face is a mirror of a person’s state. If stressed, the facial muscles tend to get stiff and this stiffness leads to development of wrinkles and frowned eyebrows. When you do these exercises you might be making unnatural movements but these movements will bring your face back into its natural state making it look fresh and giving it a youthful look.

Exercise 1

  • Sit in front of a mirror.
  • Make funny faces at yourself, stretching the area round the mouth. Some examples are given but be creative and come up with your own expressions.
  • Fill your mouth with air.
  • Gently shift air from one cheek to the other as shown.
  • Repeat 10-20 times.


  • Close your eyes and inhale deeply as you count 1-5.
  • Hold your breath, press chin down on jugular notch (mid-point of the 2 collar bones under the chin).
  • Raise chin up 4 fingers above the jugular notch and make a humming sound like a bee from your throat. Slowly exhale as you hum.
  • Listen to the sound vibrations as they travel up and spread through the head.
  • Repeat three times.

Relaxing the whole body

Sometimes stiffness can be removed by bringing conscious awareness to the entire body. The process of focusing on each body part helps in proper energy flow and thus removes the stiffness. By being relaxed and “asleep” while being alert at the same time the body receives five times the relaxation that it gets in normal sleep. Practice this technique when you are low in energy and you will wake up feeling like a different human being.

  • Lie on your back on a mat or on a hard mattress.
  • Concentrate on your breath. Breathe deeply from the abdomen and just be aware of yourself inhaling and exhaling.
  • There are sixteen vital points in your body which can relax you totally if you concentrate on them. Start concentrating on the forehead, move progressively to the nostrils, lips, chin, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingertips, chest, abdomen, thighs, knees, calves, ankles and toes. Repeat this cycle 2-3 times.
  • Now imagine your limbs are detached from your body. Only the head, chest and abdominal area exist now. As you breathe in, feel the air entering your spine and cleansing it.
  • Concentrate on the different vital nerve plexus or nerve junctions called chakras and breathe in and out 5-10 times while concentrating on each point.
  • Start with the root plexus or mooladhara in the space between your anus and your genitals.
  • Move to the solar plexus or swadhisthan, four fingers above the navel.
  • Then to the midpoint of the chest, anahat.
  • Move to the throat, to visudhi.
  • Move to the point between the eyebrows, ajna
  • Finally move to the crown, the suryachakra.
  • Imagine your limbs are once again attached to your body. Be aware of your whole body as one unit for about 2 minutes.
  • Slowly open your eyes, stretch and get up.